Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution that supplies a collection of security and forensics tools. The project's latest release swaps out the Bash shell for zsh, introduces new icons for installed tools and adds improved HiDPI support. "Its that time of year again, time for another Kali Linux release. Quarter 3 - Kali Linux 20202.3. This release has various impressive updates, all of which are ready for immediate download or updating. A quick overview of what's new since the last release in May 2020: New Shell - starting the process to switch from Bash to zsh; the release of 'Win-Kex' - get ready WSL2; automating HiDPI support - easy switching mode; tool icons - every default tool now has its own unique icon; Bluetooth arsenal - new set of tools for Kali NetHunter; Nokia support - new devices for Kali NetHunter; setup process - no more missing network repositories and quicker installs."